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28 June 2015

tugas sofskill b.inggris bisnis 2 (the most interesting event)

        Long Journey

            My most memorable experience was when I walked into the island rays in a thousand islands, there gain valuable experience without a survey first so when I find a way there are many obstacles, such as for example after I reached the dock had run out of tickets for the ship to cross the island , so I was quite inhibited trip, and I was staying with my friends didermaga that provided a place to wait, because the news of the officers, tickets are only sold about 80buah byasanya so many potential ticket buyers who have been queuing since 00.00 therefore we decided to there overnight.

            tomorrow when we get a front row tickets only natural because I've been waiting since yesterday, but while in the morning we find a lot of passengers were stranded as a result of tickets sold since 02.00 we also think they are coming from 03:00 alone was disappointed because tickets are sold out , let alone us who came during the afternoon, after waiting 1malam ago we set up the goal about 30 minutes, whereas the camp by boat, whatever happens if we use nearly fishing boats we make alternative. moment I got there I get sight to spoil our eyes were stunned by the natural beauty, so I recommend the island as a destination for your pari challenging, there are many games are presented in sufficient water adrenaline.  

            Because a fairly short time I can only tell you to so many, I hope this experience can be used as an alternative to a tourist destination, thanks

16 June 2015

Cara Mempercepat Loading Mozilla Firefox

Cara Mempercepat Loading Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox adalah web browser open-source yang dikembangkan untuk Windows, OS X dan
Linux. Pertama kali dirilis pada tahun 2002, saat ini terdapat juga Firefox versi Android yang juga
dengan cepat menjadi populer di kalangan pengguna mobile.
Berdasarkan informasi dari Wikipedia, saat ini Firefox memiliki pangsa pasar sebesar 18%-23% dari
pengguna Internet di seluruh dunia. Menurut Mozilla sendiri, Firefox memiliki 450 juta pengguna
dan meraih sukses khususnya di Indonesia, Jerman, Polandia dan Iran dimana Firefox dapat meraup
pasar browser hingga 40%-50% di negara-negara tersebut.
Sebagai salah satu negara pengguna Firefox terbesar, sudah tentu banyak dari kamu yang
menggunakan browser Firefox untuk menjelajah Internet. Nah, kali ini JalanTikus akan berbagi tips
cara mempercepat loading Mozilla Firefox sehingga tidak lemot atau berat, atau membuat komputer
blank/ hang.
Berikut ini adalah cara untuk mempercepat loading Firefox kamu :
  • Jalankan browser Firefox kamu. Buat yang belum punya, download Firefox di JalanTikus.
  • Ketikkan about:config pada address bar, kemudian tekan Enter.Selanjutnya akan muncul jendela dialog, klik tulisan “Saya berjanji akan berhati-hati” atau “I’ll be careful, I promise!”.
  • Cari Key atau kata kunci dibawah ini untuk mengubahnya. Copy kata kunci/ key, kemudian
  • Paste di kotak pencarian yang sudah disediakan, tekan Enter.Daftar Key atau kata kunci yang perlu di ubah agar loading Mozilla firefox jadi cepat:
    • network.http.pipelining ubah false menjadi true
    • network.http.proxy.pipelining ubah false menjadi true
    • network.dns.disableIPv6 ubah false menjadi true
    • network.http.max-connections ubah nilai nya jadi ‘64’
    • network.http.max-connections-per-server ubah nilai nya jadi ‘21’
    • network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server ubah nilai nya jadi ‘8’
    • network.http.pipelining.maxrequests ubah nilai nya jadi ‘100’
    Klik Kanan Pada Area kosong, dan ikuti langkah di bawah ini :
    • Klik kanan - Pilih new - integer - Ketik "content.max.tokenizing.time" - Masukan dengan nilai "1000000"
    • Klik kanan - Pilih new - integer - Ketik "content.notify.interval" - Masukan dengan nilai "500000"
    • Klik kanan - Pilih new - integer - Ketik "content.notify.backoffcount" - Masukan dengan nilai "5"
    • Klik kanan - Pilih new - integer - Ketik "content.switch.threshold" - Masukan dengan nilai "500000"
    • Klik kanan - Pilih new -integer - Ketik "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" – Masukan dengan nilai "0"
    • Klik kanan - Pilih new - boolean - Ketik "content.interrupt.parsing" - Pilih "true" - Klik Oke
    • Klik kanan - Pilih new - boolean - Ketik "content.notify.ontimer" - Pilih "true" - Klik Oke
  • Restart Firefox
Nah, itulah cara untuk mempercepat loading Firefox menjadi lebih cepat dan kamu bisa menikmati perbedaannya setelah berhasil diterapkan. Punya tips lain untuk meningkatkan kecepatan Firefox? Silakan share di kolom komentar dibawah.
Like Facebook Page, Follow Twitter atau add Google + JalanTikus untuk terus mendapatkan informasi terbaru seputar teknologi dan download software terbaru untuk PC dan Apps Android dengan Gratis, Aman dan Cepat.

Sumber :

07 June 2015

Menambah kapasitas memori Internal


Cara memperbesar memori internal android sangat mudah, asal kita teliti saat melakukannya.
Menambah memori internal android ada banyak cara diantaranya:
Tinggal mencocokan dengan rom yang anda pakai...
Jika gagal pada satu metode jangan menyerah coba metode lain sampai berhasil memperbesar memori internal.

Sekarang kita mulai cara mengatasi memori internal penuh pada android dengan ungaze:


1. Pastikan android sudah di ROOT!!!

2. Buat partisi EXT4 sebesar 1GB atau 500MB juga tidak masalah KLIK DISINI UNTUK CARA PARTISI SDCARD


4. Kalau sudah terdownload JANGAN DI EXTRACT! pindah hasil download tadi ke sdcard terluar jangan dimasukan folder.

5. Masuk CWM
Bagi yang belum punya CWM silahkan dicari cwm sesuai merk dan tipe smartphone kamu di google banyak, Kalau kesulitan mencari dan cara menginstal cwm bisa ditanyakan pada komentar di bawah, pasti saya jawab secepatnya.
Bagi yang bingung cara masuk cwm silahkan ditanyakan di komentar dengan menyebutkan merk dan type smartphone, soalnya beda type beda cara.

6. Masuk ke mount and storage lalu rubah seperti dibawah ini:

7. Kembali ke halaman utama cwm pilih install zip from sdcard

8. lalu pilih choose zip from sdcard

9. cari file yang tadi kita download

10.  lalu pilih yes

11. Kembali ke halaman utama cwm lalu pilih reboot

12. Tunggu sampai smartphone kita hidup JANGAN DI APA-APAIN!!! biarkan saja nanti akan RESTART sendiri (JANGAN KAGET :D) setelah restart silahkan cek memori internal anda nambah gak?

Pastikan SDcard Class 10 agar tidak sering terjadi NOT RESPONDING..

Sumber :

01 June 2015

Tugas B.Inggris The most favorite things

The most favorite things

 I highly favored band lamb of god, Lamb of God is one of the leading bands in the world and also in Indonesia. Because according to a survey conducted by AC Nielsen institute in Jakarta, nearly 84.7 middle and high school kids love this band. The band is also known as a pioneer of a new genre of Metal scene called Metalcore that erupted loved by young people all over the world, do not forget in Indonesia. Lamb Of God began to form in 1990 in Richmond virgina which was originally called "Burn The Priest" The band was formed from fad Mark Morton, Chris Adler and John Campbell Abe spear in spare time in college at Virginia Commonwealth University.Incidentally They lived in a dormitory and often get together and practice together sang songs Slayer, Pantera, Metallica instrumental without a vocalist. After they graduated, they agreed to build the band, with a new member named Randall Blythe as a vocalist, and they released their first demo in 1995. The response from the metal scene who 'misses' type of band with Pantera-style music with a beat - beat groovy missed already, and so was born a new legend of "The New Wave of American Heavy Metal". But amid their success Mark Morton had to leave the Burn The Priest because of a reason.In 1997, Mark Morton returned after 2 years to go somewhere. 2 years later, precisely in 1999 Burn The Priest made his first album, named the same as the name of their band "Burn The Priest". They happened to be given the opportunity to record in "Legion Records". Mike Bronsnan as the manager of Legion Records gave them a fee of $ .... they use gigging and promoting their band to the company - a major record company.Along their success no apparent reason "Abe Spear" leaving Burn The Priest. This makes Mark Morton et al racked his brain to find new personnel. After a long time elected brother Chris Adler (drummer Burn The Priest), Willie adler who managed to become ryhtem guitar in Burn The Priest. Because a change of personnel and over the times, Burn The Priest change their band name into "LAMB OF GOD". Here are the biodata personnel new Lamb of god:1. Randy BlytheThe full name of this man is "David Randall Blythe", he was born on February 21, 1971 in Richmond, Virginia. Musician and actor whose role in the movie "The Graves" is indeed since junior high school was like a song - song genre of metalcore, so he decided to join Burn The Priest (now Lamb of god) as a vocalist in 1995.To supplement his income Blythe made a side band called "Halo Of Locust". In 2007 they managed to create an album called For The Sick are in labeli emetic Records. Along prominence Blythe often asked to duet with the band - other top metal bands, such as in the song Gojira Adoration For Non, Pitch Black Forecast in song So low, Shadow Fall in the song King of Nothing, A Life Once Lost in the song pigeonhole, A life Once Lost in the song vulture, Overkill in song Skull and Bones, and Bloodshoteye in song FUBAR2. Mark MortonFull name of the Lead guitarist Lamb of god is the "Mark Duane Morton", he was born on November 25, 1972 in Williamsburg, Virginia. During high school (Before joining the Lamb of God), Morton and his friend Ryan Lake, making a band and named "Stockwood" in 1988. The band is often won local competitions and auditions the band, so that over time the band became famous in Williamsburg. Amid the prestige that started sparkling Mark Morton had to leave the band for college Virgina University. In 1990 Morton met with "John Campbell", and "Chris Adler". Because of their classmates, they also agreed to build a band named Burn The Priest. Until in 1999 the band changed personnel and renamed Lamb Of God.


• Jackson Mark Morton Dominion
• Jackson RR5
• Jackson King V
• Jackson USA Custom Shop Swee-Tone
• Jackson Warrior
• Jackson Soloist
• Jackson Adrian Smith San Dimas DK
• Gibson Les Paul Standard Gold
• Framus Renegade Pro
• Framus Panthera

Amplifiers & Cabinets:

• Mesa Boogie Mark IV Amplifier
• Mesa Boogie Stiletto Deuce Amplifier
• Mesa Boogie 4x12 Cabinets (x9)
• Hot-rodded Marshall Amplification head
• Marshall Amplification 4x12 Cabinets
• Orange Amplification 4x12 Cabinets
• Mesa Boogie Mark V Amplifier
• Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier


• Sennheiser Wireless Systems
• Boss TU-2 Chromatic Tuner
• Dunlop Crybaby Wah Wylde
• MXR EVH Phase 90
• Kerry King MXR 10 Band EQ
• MXR Carbon copy delay
• Rocktron Hush Super C
• DBX 266xl Compressor / Gate
• Boomer GHS Strings 10-46
• 3XL .05m Dunlop Picks
• 1:14 mm Dunlop Tortex picks

3. Chris Adler

Full name Drummer Lamb Of God are "Christopher James Adler". He was born on November 23, 1972 in Virginia, USA Prior to her career in Lamb Of God, Chris Adler is an Internet technician in a company renowned giant named "Microsoft". Drummer who was awarded as the best metal drummer hummer metal magazine in 2007 has 5 other bands before Lamb Of God, namely, "Exit-in", "Calibra", "Cry Havoc", "jettison Charlie", and "Grouser". Each - each have their own demo tape except jettison Charlie who has two albums, namely: Hitchiking To Budapest in 1994, and Legions Of Unjazzed in 1996. Because it Mapex achievements and Gibraltar is willing to sponsor the event and share the concert.
Mapex Drums and Meinl Cymbals (2009):
Drums - Mapex Saturn Series:
• 10x9 "Tom
• 12x10 "Tom
• 16x16 "Floor Tom
• 18x16 "Floor Tom
• 22x18 "Bass Drum (x2)
• 12x5.5 "Chris Adler Signature Black Panther Snare

Cymbals - Meinl (2009):

• Cymbals listed clockwise
• 14 "Generation X Filter China
• 14 "Soundcaster Custom Medium Soundwave HiHat (top), 14" Byzance Dark hihat (bottom)
• 8 "Classics High Bell
• 12 "Soundcaster Custom Distortion Splash
• 8 "Byzance Splash
• 14 "Soundcaster Custom Medium Crash (x2)
• 16 "Medium Crash Mb8
• 8 "Byzance Splash
• 14 "Soundcaster Custom Medium Soundwave HiHat (top), 14" Byzance Dark hihat (bottom)
• 18 "Byzance Medium Thin Crash• 24 "Mb20 Pure Metal Ride
• 17 "Byzance China (Prototype)
• 16 "Generation X Filter China

• Trick-V PRO 1 Pedals (Previously used Axis Longboard amd DW 9000 pedals).
• Gibraltar Rack System and Clamps.
• Mapex Cymbal Boom Arms.


• Force I Aquarian Bass Drum Batter Heads (with Kick Pads), Hi-Energy Snare Batter Head, Response 2 Clear Batter Heads and Tom Tom Resonant Heads Classic Clear
• Roland TD-7 Electronic Percussion Module
• DB Drum shoes
• Pro-Mark TX5AXW Chris Adler Signature Sticks
• Single Trigger Pad Roland

4. Willie Adler
Full name as well as the rhythm Lamb Of God drummer Chris Adler sister of this is "William M. Adler". He was born on January 26, 1976 in Virginia, USA He along with Mark Morton is the most prolific songwriter in the Lamb Of God.



• ESP WA-1200
• ESP WA-600
• ESP WA-200
• ESP Eclipse II
• ESP M-100 FM
• ESP Alexi Laiho custom style
• Gibson Les Paul Custom White w / EMGs
• B.C. Rich Warlock
• Framus guitars and B.C. Rich guitar

Amplifiers & Cabinets:
• Mesa Boogie Mark IV Amplifier
• Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Roadster
• Framus 4x12 Cabinets (x9)


• Sennheiser Wireless Systems
• Boss TU-2 Chromatic Tuner
• Korg DTR-1 Rack Tuner
• DBX 266XL Compressor / Gate
• Boomer GHS Strings 10-52
• 1:00 mm Dunlop Tortex picks

5. John Campbell

Bassist Full Name Lamb of god this is "John Steven Campbell". He was born on September 30, 1972 in Virginia, USA This man recently married in 2008 and had a son - men. Before the Lamb of god Campbell worked for the RPG. One odd thing from Campbell, he was very averse to taking 5-string basis.


• Jackson USA Custom Concert Bass
• Dean Markley strings bass
• Mesa / Boogie amplifier 400+
• Mesa RoadReady and Powerhouse 8x10 cabs
• Sennheiser wireless system• Tech 21 Sans Amp Bass Driver DI
• DBX 266XL Compressor / Gate

That's partly a short story about The most favorite things. thanks
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